Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

please help Evan find his poppop

my name is Jill and my love is Evan he is autistic. I am his grandmother. We found out around two yrs. With therapy and special classes he did great. His father died when he was six. Than his mother moved to Washington. The phone calls stop. My heart broke. I am so worried about Evan. He lost his father and the only real family he knew and loved. I don't know how he's doing. I don't want him to regress. Can anyone give me advice. So worried.his grandfather pop pop was his heart, he loved pop pop. He was doing so good. Don't ever give up on them, there is hope. They will come into your world. Just give time, it is well worth the wait. I love and miss my Evan :-(

Jill strpllo
vero bch., FL

Aiden my hero

My son name is Aiden Cardenas, he was born March 21, 2006. Aiden was born at 21 weeks and weighed 2lbs 6 ounces. For the first 3 months of his life aiden was hospitalized when he was finally able to come home he adapted to his environment well. Aiden received numerous amounts of therapy over the next several years. Being so premature it was necessary, we started realizing Aiden was different at the age of 3. Besides his lack of speech Aiden was socially withdrawn, we would often find him hysterical when he was surrounded by new people. We assumed that since he was an only child maybe he just wasn't being exposed enough to other children, or people. Aiden qualified for early school because of his speech and physical impediments. It was during this time that one if his teachers suggested that he might be autistic. After many visits to specialists, behavior therapist and neurologists Aiden was diagnosed with the autism spectrum disorder pdd. I am so relived as his mother to finally know what is going on with my son and how I can help him. Aiden is now 6, he is loved and supported by many people. He has touched many lives with his own out look on life. He is going to a public school where he continues to get support from awesome teachers, and therapists. Aiden is aware of his disorder and is working hard to live his life to the fullest.. I am proud of my son, he has fought for his life since the day he was born. He has overcome more obstacles than most. He is a beautiful human being, and has made me a better person ,he has saved my life.

Kimberly Hernandez
San antonio, TX

My husband

Almost 12 years ago, I met the man of my dreams and we’ve been married almost 10 years. Not long after we were married, we started having some issues with communication in our marriage. I know, don’t all couples struggle with this problem? We also had some other problems. About 5 years into our marriage, and after several marriage counseling sessions, our counselor suggested that my husband may have autism and suggested that he go for testing. Of course, we were both shocked and never expected to hear this. It’s been about 4 ½ years since my husband’s diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome and let me tell you, he’s still the man of my dreams. This diagnosis is what saved our marriage. He was and still is the most loving, supportive and understanding husband in the world. He would do anything for me and with the correct therapy, he’s been an even better husband. I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

Tracey Johnson
Secane, PA

Still waiting for the happy ending......

Claire was born in March 1994. She reached all her milestones, and was a very happy child, although she laughed at odd things, and was very slow at her work.
she began high school in Sept 2005' and the following may fell on the trampline. From then on, everything changed. She began calling herself in the third person, her memory went as did speech, and her behaviours became very aggressive.
Parents were told to attend parenting classes.
The family moved to Swansea in may 2010, and Claire was unable to attend school for 2 months, as nobody knew where she wold go. When mum visited places with her, she was always told she was autistic, and it was a relief when she was diagnosed in sept 2010' enabling bher to go an autistic unit, 30 miles away. The travelling was hard for Claire, and after being Bad over Christmas, when she woke in January, her behaviours were, unfortunately so bad she needed hospital admission again. After this, it was recommended she attend an autistic college/.care home, and family could visit as often as they wanted as they would prefer Claire home with them, but needed support.
During her time here, 8 months, Claire was 2 to 1 support at all times, and we are still working out how she absconded twice, crossing a main road, and laying one trampoline in a back garden, burnt her self with a kettle, cut her hair scissors, had a male carer in her bed. The LA removed her to put her closer to the parents, but put her in an assessment unit where she has been for 4 months as they have nowhere to place her. She is there still, and breaking her heart. We, as her parents, and her siblings, are all struggling.

Cath dyer
Swansea, United Kingdom

He's climbed into my lap and WANTS to be cuddled!

Christian is not typical pdd-nos, he will hug on occasion. He tends to cling to his father when he does. I was having a difficult time, and it seems he could tell. Without any prodding, he climbed up in my lap, and cuddled with me! Best day of my life!

Clearwater, FL

Giulianna's quest :)

Giulianna's quest :)

My daughter Giulianna, age 3 years and 10 months old was diagnosed with high functioning Autism on July 3, 2012. She was first diagnosed 2 years ago with Sensory Processing Disorder. She is the smartest kid I know and so determined to do things her way and in her own time. She had so much difficulty and is starting to show amazing progress. She has much less anxiety in social settings, she appears empowered to try the unknown. She is still only interacting with a chosen few children who she truly trusts but shows more desire to want to be around them. She talks a mile a minute at home and surprises me with her above average vocabulary. Yet at school the teacher is lucky if she has heard her voice. She loves balloons and lollipops. They are 2 of her favorite things. Her potty training is coming along well. She seems ready now. She is a diamond in the rough that is starting to show her facets. She shines and sparkles so brightly. I am so proud of my little girl who loves sports and is such a girly girl at the same time. She has an amazing natural talent for soccer. Its quite amazing. The next Christie Rampone or Hope Solo i believe. My amazing Child. I love her with all of my heart and soul. She has taught me a new way to look at the world and I love it. My "Jewel" , My Life, My Bug...
Always Unique Totally Intelligent Sometimes Mysterious

Dana Frulio
Lacey Twp., NJ

The Greatest Brother Anyone Could Ever Have

This story is about my younger brother Luke who has severe autism and is on the spectrum. He is ten years old and I'm one of his older brothers and am 13. I'm here to say that although I have no idea what my little brother goes through everyday, I am appreciative for what I have. I have a loving and very sweet brother. Most kids my age have brothers who are maybe a year or two younger than my brother and tend to really get on my nerves and they're just normal younger brothers who never stop talking and don't listen. Even though my brother can't talk he speaks to me in a way no one else can. He can understand anything you ask him to do and I couldn't be more grateful for the brother I have, and maybe one day he'll tell me he loves me in a conversation we'll have.

Sam Tober
Lake Forest, IL

Kayvon my angel

My son Kayvon, he just turned 3 in July. We adopted K in December of 2011, I've had him since he was 4 months old, recently K was diagnosed with autism. We knew pretty early something was a miss, but we didn't care he was our angel no matter what the issues. He's our only boy, we have 5 daughters. Days are tough, lots of appointments, doctors, therapy, temper tantrums, but we deal with it day by day. I've learned so much about autism I could write a book, but honestly nothing can prepare you, it's just one of those thing you have to live through. This year were doing the walk in our city, it's amazing how much support we have gotten, our community has been wonderful.
My experience has been amazing so far, I wouldn't change anything i'm learning everyday and i'm so blessed to have Kayvon in my life, he's my angel.
Thank you, Blessed Mommy

Parma hts., OH

He Is Not Different He Is Special

He Is Not Different He Is Special

I am the mother of 2 very high strung kids. Jayelynn being 7 and Harly being 4. Harly was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder 1 month before turning 3. Upon the diagnosis they told me he was on a 1 yr 9 mo age level at almost 3. This news was very devistating but I knew I could not dwell on it. I proceeded to get him the best therapy I could get.
I knew from the time he was an infant he was not like the rest of the babies. He was "Special". I really noticed how delayed he was when my niece who is 12 weeks younger started hitting milestones Harly had not yet suceeded. He did not talk until he was almost 2 and did not use sentences until he started school.
Harly enter the Headstart program in our school system in 2011. There he had a very awesome group of teachers working with him along with a great Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapist. Without the help of these teachers Harly would have not had as good of a year as he did. I believe he will excel in school with the help of his team of teachers.
Harly has a wonderful home life and is very social and loving with those he knows the best. His sister (although they fight) is a temendous help. He really looks up to her and learns so much from her everyday. He loves his Nana and Papo and thinks he has to visit them everyday. He loves visiting his aunts, uncles, and cousins as well. Every single one of you guys is trully an inspiration to him and without the help of you all Harly would not be where he is today. Thanks so much for the help.

Lacy Smith
Kingston, OK

Different but not less!!

Different but not less!!

Hello my name is movish but everyone calls me "momo", I am 3yrs old and I have been diagnosed with autism for almost 2yrs I am nonverbal at the moment but my family knows how to communicate with me. Even though it is hard my parents, they do everything in their power to help me succeed whether it is driving 2 to 3 hrs for my doctors appts or driving a hr away for my aba therapyand the progress I have made is wonderful and it will continue.

windy carrizosa
beaumont, CA