Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

The little boy with the biggest heart

The little boy with the biggest heart

Our story began when a beautiful blue-eyed,healthy baby boy was born. We named him Aaden. He was our gift from God. Aaden as a baby met all his milestones. It was not until after his first birthday I noticed Aaden not coming to me when I would call his name. So we took him to his pediatrician and she told us he was fine. I had my doubts. So I stuck with my mother instincts and demanded he be seen by a ENT. After all the test, they were able to tell us that both Aaden's ear drums were not vibrating. They had so much fluid around them. So unto surgery for tubes we went. After the surgery Aaden's listening skills got better, but then i noticed he was really not babbling or saying mama or dada. So we found out about early intervention through a close friend. Aaden was then two when we started the program. After the program Aaden was still not talking. So we then went through our county school system where we got him into our local PALS program. There he progressed a lot. He opened up and began making new sounds and just loved being with his classmates and teachers. Around when Aaden turned 3 is when he was finally diagnosed with mild autism.

To this day Aaden, is non verbal, but he laughs, he giggles, he hugs, and he loves people. His favorite thing to do is give the biggest kisses to anyone and everyone. He maybe labeled autistic, but he is Aaden to our family and to everyone who knows him. He is the little boy that has such love in his heart for life. To us he is like any other child. Loves to play in water, loves horses, loves movies, loves to swing, loves to cuddle, and loves pizza . He is just the sweetest little boy ever and I wouldn't trade him for anything. I believe God gives special children to special people. He is a true blessing to our family.

Ashley Ellison
Jemison, AL

Watching you grow, summer after summer.

Watching you grow, summer after summer.

My name is Kaity Meagher & for 9 hours a day, each day in the summer, I am a one-on-one camp counselor to Ryan, a vivacious seven-year-old NASCAR and Mario obsessed boy with Autism. The amount of time I’ve spent with Ryan in two summers so far, has shown me more of him than I had ever imagined I could discover. Ryan is energetic yet spontaneous, eager yet hesitant, and driven yet limited, which then can lead to frustration, screaming, hitting, crying, and the occasional meltdown. But despite the challenges, each day with him is a dazzling adventure. I never spend a single day bored when I am with Ryan; he keeps me on my toes while laughing and smiling all the way. I love the way he says his sister’s name “Cah-wo-wine.” I love his face when he accomplishes something he didn’t think he could do, and the tears that come to his eyes because he is so shocked yet so proud of himself. I love his hugs, the way his voice hitches when he’s excited, and the way he can stun complete strangers with his incredible reading skills and his unlimited memory. I love that I am able to understand every single stim, every action he does, and the reasons why he does them. I love the way he pulls my face towards him when he wants me to look at him and tell him more (if he has to give me his eyes while we’re talking, why don’t I!) Watching Ryan grow in just two summers was an experience that I will treasure, but will build upon summer after summer when our adventure continues on, year after year. Ryan has taught me what true determination and perserverance is. Each and everyday he works so incredibly hard to be the best that he can be, despite all of the distractions that try to consume his mind. I will always be inspired by him, and I can not wait to see what the future holds for the both of us. Ryan truly holds a special place in my heart.

Kaity Meagher
Oceanside, NY

Roller coaster feels a lot like life at times

I'm a single mother who has a 5 yr old boy who is still being diagnosed with how severe his Autism is. He has Expressive Language Disorder which means there is very little communication skills with my son. He gets so mad when he can't tell me how he feels and what he wants. He gets very aggressive and violent. Everyday is filled with steady screaming from him while I try to calm him down. When we both are so frustrated and he starts crying after his episodes, I'll start crying and then he will stop, wipe my tears and say as clear as day " don't cry mommy, it's ok". That makes me smile and he hugs me and kisses me. I work 45-50 hrs a week and have no car so I walk to and from work. There are some very good times with my son and he is the sweetest little boy. He started school this past Thursday and when I got home he told me how school was in our special language and was so happy when he actually had a few actual words mixed with his gibberish and when I looked at his paper from school saying that he had a great day and worked well with others and what he had for lunch, it was exactly what he had described to me! I'm so proud of my son for handling his first day of school so well. He said he liked his teacher, book, cracker,ran around(pe) and wrote and then nuggets and then home, and the whole time his hands were just flapping away!

Blue springs, MO

What I feel about having autism

What I feel about having autism

My name is Tiffany I'm 16 years old, I was diagnosed with autism when I was 11 or 12 years old. What I got from autism is that I sometimes get obsessed with one thing,I like things a certain way,I have a hard time sleeping at night,I give little eye contact when I talk and I don't talk that much. When It comes to autism I have mixed feelings for it because they have their pros like I'm very creative, but they have their cons too like I don't sleep that well at night. Do I hate autism? No I don't, even though it has it's cons I'm still proud of having it.
And I'm also proud that my family supports my disability too. I got to go bye! :)

Carencro, LA

My First Saving Grace

My First Saving Grace

My son Aidan is my first saving grace. He was born June 15, 2006. He was 2 months premature weighing in at 5 lbs 1 ounce. Apgar scores of 9 and 10. Was in the hospital for 2 weeks. On his actual due date, August 15, he was 9 lbs 1 ounce. Schedule always worked best for him so that is what we did. The only concerns that we really had was his speech was delayed, well more forming words he made all sorts of sounds but words were a difficult. It took forever and a day for him to potty train and he had what we called, "happy hands" when he got excited. When he started kindergarten, the first week, the principal emailed me a letter she had received from his 1st kindergarten teacher he had some issues according to his first kindergarten teacher. Disrupting class, screaming, hiding under tables "scaring other children." When I read the letter I was floored, I had asked every day how he was adjusting and was told oh he is fine. He had hugged her a bit too hard and she was concerned that he would hurt her unborn child, so at her request, we moved him into a different class room and things so much better. He was diagnosed with classic autism. I was upset and first and then my sister told me something. God gave me exactly what I needed when he gave me Aidan, and I realized she was right. His is high functioning, he still has hand writing difficulties but he reads 71 words a minute and makes straight A's in school. He is adored by everyone who is around him he uplifts everyone he comes in contact with. He is my first saving grace.

Deweyville, TX

My Beautiful BellaBoo

My Beautiful BellaBoo

I knew I always wanted a little girl to dress up, polish her nails, talk about boys she had crushes on all the fun girl things. But I had no idea that the Lord had a different plan for me, and I believe his plan was teach me how to love life. I remember when Bella was 2 years old and was diagnosed with autism I cried so hard I felt like I did something wrong I blamed myself I kept trying to think what did I do different in this pregnancy than my first.We started to get help for her right away as the therapist said it would help her to one day hopefully live a normal life. At 4yrs old I could see her autism taking over more of her life she would start to cry and pull out her hair because she was not able to tell me what it was that she wanted, I would try so hard to talk to her, but no matter what nothing worked. All I wanted to hear was Mommy for so long just for her to look at me, I then took her to get evaluated again they told me she has Severe Autism.I said No WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S 6 now we have had her in therapy (aba) since she was 2yrs old. They told me they don't think Bella will ever be able to live a normal life. Although I cry still and have a hard time accepting things I found that the Lord has a reason for everything. Bella has taught me so much, I love her with every piece of my heart! I am so greatful to have her and to be her Mommy. And I will Never give up that one day she'll come to me and look at me and say I Love You Mommy.

Sanger, CA

My angel bear!

My angel bear!

My baby girl is 7 years old. Her name is Mikayla Nicole. She is the sweetest child in the world and loves to help, she gets very nervous around anyone else. If she see someone crying she will start crying.She had a horrific birth to start off with she was born right before hurricane Rita. something happened and she was not getting any oxygen so they did an emergency c-section then had to ride in a helicopter to baton route.I always knew she was special but didn't know just how special she was. When she was little I could not leave her with anyone she had to be by me at all times people scared her even family. Lots of things scared her loud noises she would see people who really were not there and talk to them. I was always told that I just spoiled her to much because she was my last baby but I knew deep down it was some more. So her teacher recommended i bought her to a psych doctor.It took us a year and a half of testing her but they finally said she had aspbergers, OCD, sever anxiety and ADHD. I did some research on it because I had no clue of what that was and when I found out I was so terrify. Her doctors sent us to some family group meeting which helped alot! Just knowing we were not alone and it has help my angel bear too. She has done so well with the medications and her group therapy. Sometimes it's hard but I always believe that The Lord gave me a very special baby girl and she just amazes me everyday! She is so interest in art,singing and she wants to do gymnastics so bad. We haven't put her in it yet because we have five other children so we stay pretty busy. she has such a passion for it that I'm going to have let her try.she watches shows on tv and learns moves and just does them! It's amazing! She is just an amazing gift from god!

Tasha Berzas
Sulphur, LA

Sid The Miracle Child

Sid The Miracle Child

We were blessed with our son Siddarth at 35 weeks (3.4 oz.) after being in labor for 3 days. He was in NICU for 2 weeks.

His development was delayed. I caught few signs early on when he would flip a car and spin its wheel; he would take any circle toy and spin; he would sit in front of our DVD player and open/close the disc tray for more than 30 minutes. He was diagnosed with PDD- NOS when he was about 1.5 years. Shortly thereafter he started getting services from our Regional Center East Bay for Early Intervention and Speech Therapy. It has made a huge difference in his life. His speech, behavior, social and life skills have improved several levels.

My husband made a huge contribution by reading to him everyday.

In 2009 ( 3.5 yrs.), we transitioned him to GFCF diet. We noticed his weight gain gradually. He calmed down a bit too.

Summer of 2012 (5.5 yrs.), we sought help from Ayurveda to help him improve his muscle tone. This had a huge positive impact on him. He was able to hold a pencil properly and actually be able to write.

He is 6.5 yrs. now and still receives ABA. He goes to gymnastics classes and attends soccer training sessions once a week. He plays golf once a month with a professional coach. He is being mainstreamed and starts his 1st grade when school opens . He loves music and wants to learn piano so that he can make his own music. He has play dates often. He is very social, communicative and talkative. With the progress he has made, he is now inspiring other parents and giving them hope in his own unique way.

A Proud Mother of an Amazing Child.

fremont, CA

My son Chandler

Hi , I have a question I found out today that my 6 year old son has autism . I do not mean to sound like a bad person I just wanted to see if there was anyone who has maybe had the same kind of feelings that I cant shake tonight ..... I feel so bad for not noticing this sooner in his life I feel responsible that he has had such a hard time in the past 2 years ... I took him to many doctors who told me that he was just having behavior outbursts and that he would grow out of it .... But I finally got to a doctor who sent me to the autism center a few months ago and they did all kinds of tests and today told me that he does has Autism . I cant stop crying ... Im mad at myself one moment for not pushing harder with the doctors to begin with then I feel like its my fault as his mother that he has had such a hard time and that he cannot connect with me the way my other two children do . I dont know what to say or do , I keep wanting to wrap him up and apologize over and over but he doesnt understand why Im upset ..... I dont know how to react , or tell him that mommy understands now that things are going to get better ......Is what I am feeling normal ? My family says yes that I did nothing wrong but they dont have this Guilt over them like i do .....Thank you for any support

heather waters
valrico, FL

Autism and my son.

Autism and my son.

Well it all started when Matthew was 11months old. We noticed that he wasn't crawling or sanding up so I got worried. So I took him to and early intervention place and had him evaluated and the told me that he was mentally delayed. So they got me some help. Where we had a lady come to the house twice a week and she worked with Matthew. Helping him crawl and stand up and she got him to walk. Boy we were so thrilled with his progress. So then he made three and he stared to go to school and he was doing pretty well in school but they wanted to reevaluate him to see where he was at. That's when they told me my son had autism I was like what is autism and they explanded it to me. Boy did that hit me like a tone of bricks I cried I was like what did I do wrong it just devastated me. I knew I had to pull myself together and get Matthew the help he needed. So thats what I did. To this day Matthew has come along way. He is 14years old today he's in high school he's on the honor roll he's doing very well. I'am very blessed to have all the people in my life that has helped me with Matthew. He still has a long road ahead of him. Every day that road is getting easer and easer for him. We a so very proud of Matthew. He has brought so much joy to our lives. I would not change a thing about him I love him just the way he is witch is perfect. Yes dealing with a child with autism is very challenging but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the challenge it gives me. It makes me a better person. Thank you for letting me share my story with you I hope it has touched you in some way.

Jennifer beese
Gretna, LA