A mothers love for her daughter with atisum

I have a 12 year old daughter who has atisum, she does not speak And need alote help with daily life. I have raised her alone with two older girls. When i first found out, it was an enotional And stressful struggle, i blamed myself. Her father turned his back on her And so did most people.I had to stop working to take care of her. When she first started school, it was hard because where we lived in paducah ky they did not have what she needed. I fought hard to get her what she needed to go to school. That was a stressful time, but Now she goes to good school And has learned alhen t. I had hard time with people looking And making rude comments but Now i have came a long way And so has my daughter. Today she is in 7th grade And know some sign language. We take everything day by day. I would not change what me And my family has went through. It jas helped us grow And learn to be stron. Even when its seems hard. I am blrssed to have skylar has my daughter, she is my specail angel. I am proud to be a mother of a child with atisum. I love you Skylar ashyln Roberts with all my heart.

pensacola, FL