Death than life

Where to begain is always an interesting way to try and described my life. Noah is 3 almost 4 he has been threw more medical intervention than most adults. Already having 6 surgery, one being a liver biopsy at age 1 to tubes to re agin his hearing loss. We were told on his first birthday they could not tell me if noah would make it to2 and if so we would shoot for age 9. Noah is almost 4. We could tell something was very differnt from the time he was born to even know. Not that anything was bad. Just very different. Noah is undergoing his autism testing as we speak. And to finally have an answer to something about our son will be a bitter sweet thing. For almost 3 years we have delt with knowing our son might not make it because his liver is so unpredictable. (His body does not make sugers to fule his brain and heart fast enough..ei: any 1sickness is life threating) but now we have the chance to find out...the why does he scream all the time. Why cant I get him to enjoy other kids. Or why sometimes he wants to hit and bite me but the next minute wants to hug me. Of corse im scared if what the future will hold and the lable. However im not scared for my childs happyness...and help that I have came to understand that I can not give to him. We also have another son Jayms. He is almost 6 and might have a sensory autism. However Jayms love for Noah is something that no words will ever be able to describe. Thank you for letting me share his story.

Amber Cook
calhan, CO