Don't give up hope.. Help is out there

I am the mom of 2 fabulous boys. Our adventure into the world of special needs started when my children started their school career at the age of 2. They both had the same issues at the same ages.. Late talking, eye contact problems, etc...

Our lives were suddenly scheduled around Dr. Appts, speech therapy, Occupational therapy, then later behavior therapy. My youngest was diagnosed with lower functioning Autism and a behavior disorder at the age of 4. My oldest was diagnosed with high functioning autism at the age of 8. We worried about their future. Will they get married? Will they be able to hold a job? There were so many unanswered questions that no one could answer.
We found an amazing school near us for kids and adults with autism. Our youngest started in that school when he was 7. We found acceptance and an amazing parent support group. This was a huge relief to finally find someone to talk to that could understand the meltdowns, the medications, the Dr.'s, and the additional diagnosis' they eventually received over the years.

When my boys turned 9 we were introduced into the amazing world of Special Olympics. I was so happy when my kids were accepted by the other athletes for who they are! If my son had a meltdown, instead of staring at him, they would ask if I needed any help. We were so happy! My boys made friends that they still see to this day.

Fasting forward to today:

My youngest is now 21 and has graduated from his school and is (with the help of his 1:1 aide) volunteering at the local humane society. He is also on my special needs cheerleading team. We travel to 7 competitions through Michigan and Ohio. My oldest is working part time/going to college for computer graphics and design part time and is Driving!

What I have learned over the years is to not give up hope. Our lives are hectic, busy, adventurous and most of the time unpredictable, but we wouldn't change it for the world!

Wayne, MI