Fighting for Nikki.

My daughter Nikki is 10 yrs old now at 7 yrs old she was diagnosed with severe Autism Spectrum Disorder since she is our only child it devastated us when they told us to mourn for the daughter we thought we had, Back then I've never even heard of this thing they called Autism so after how many days of testing and after how many different doctors we walked out of the doctors office looking at the world different, And started educating ourself's to get a better understanding of what this thing my daughter has so we did that they told us how our future was gonna be like especially her so i told them i refuse to mourn for the daughter i thought i had cause i have her so i promised my daughter that i would change the way society looked at her and just except her for the way she is cause she is no less no different just born special to open peoples eyes she may not fit in the eyes of society but she is perfect in our eyes Nikki is non verbal but can sing loves listening to music she is currently attending school now just baby steps for the time being, I believe my daughter is destined for great things so today i fight the big fight for her to be treated with respect not just a kid who is special i look at the world different now as i did before i see beauty and greatness in every person i meet,I never give up hope that one day she is going to start talking and that i will have my mother daughter talk with my daughter and i will keep fighting for her cause i am her voice.

Fort Vermilion, Canada