"I'm different than other kids."

My daughter was diagnosed with Autism at three years old. She is now four and much of our life revolves around planning. We plan A.B.A. appointments, OT appointments, I.E.P. meetings, swim lessons, play dates and exit strategies, in case things get rough when going out and we need to leave.

However, never once as a mom had I planned on how to explain Autism to my daughter.She is only 4 after all, I'd have plenty of time to plan for that conversation later.

Boy, was I ever wrong. I remember the exact moment when I felt my heart stop beating and my gut wrench in knots. It was the exact same moment that my daughter looked directly in my eyes and told me "Mom, I know I'm different than other kids."

I blinked rapidly, inhaled a large breath, forcing my heart to beat and my brain to gather it's thoughts. I couldn't even get myself together before my daughter interrupted my inner panic attack with her pure awesomeness and said "I think I may be like Spiderman or Batman or Darth Vader!!! But my arm doesn't have any slime...yet"

Then off she disappeared around the corner, singing the Spiderman theme song.

I made a silent plan of action immediately following my daughters mind blowing awareness of her differences. My plan is now to make sure my daughter (and others) always see her differences as an ABILITY not a disability.

If she can see her ability, then Spiderman, Batman and Darth Vader will have nothing on her.

Spring Hill, FL