Im a single mom and even when I was pregnant before I knew the sex of my child I knew he was a boy.
I named him Keith Richards being a huge Stones fan. As Keith started missing milestones
I told the pediatrician which shooed the idea away saying just wait and see, I began speech therapy out of pocket
And sent the assessment letter to my sons pediatrician which then sent a referral letter to a
Developmental pediatrician. My son never spoke, but gave good eye contact he was loving then as he
Is loving now, he was diagnosed on March 19th 2013 at 27 months, with moderate autism, and I was put on every wait list In the city which was about 2yrs. Early intervention is not always the case when you have to wait till your child is four. So I enrolled him in some free programs inThe city where he can play with other kids, while he did his speech therapy. I also read about biomedical therapy Which I thought I'd give a go, I had nothing to lose, the doctor said he had a gluten and casen absorption problems based on blood work. Keith hated food he had texture issues
And he hated everything but he would drink milk like crazy, so I removed the milk slowly it took me 3 months and slowly Keith started eating, and guess what? He started talking everyday saying new things, he knows his alphabet
And how to count to ten, he knows over 100 words short sentences. I'm not saying this will work for everyone but it did for me. I named Keith Richards because I'm Stones a fan, but it has a different meaning now, my son is a shining star he's beating the odds. And I'm proud of him, my little Rock Star.

Toronto, Canada