logans journey...

On 12/08/09, Logan was born he was my biggest baby weighing 9lb,1 and half oz. Logan was a good baby, cried when hungry or dirty, at a week old was holding his head up for a few seconds ! We were so relieved he was ok, we had,had a baby boy 6 years previous who had died of an unproven genetic disorder, he died at four days old in hospital. We had been told to not try for another baby until they had done all tests on his dna. Like i said 6 years went by and nobody had done any tests or given real answers.so we decided to take a chance and it payed off because we got Logan!, Logan was happy smiley baby, alert to his surroundings, loved to be held and made eye contact well, when he hit 3/4 months though i noticed he wasn't really rolling about on his back alot, was not always looking when we called him by his name, then at 6/9 months i noticed he was slower at hitting milestones and put it down to "being a boy", when Logan reached 2 he was still slower at things and was still not potty trained, it was hard work to keep him safe, leaving a window open was not an option as he would climb out! Logan didn't start asking for things like juice or food, he would cry and we would go through our mental list of possibilities'. In our heads, Logan didn't sleep through the night till he reached 4. He suffered with bad tummy's and diarrea etc we put him on lactose free milk, which seemed to help, when Logan went to nursery we held our breath. After2weeks the teacher said to go to doctor for assessments,so we did, after a year Logan was diagnosed ASD. But all the hard work is worth it, Logan is smart,funny and caring, he has a great humour and we love him dearly, we wouldn't change anything.

london, United Kingdom