Me Kay

Heya, My name is Kayleigh Marshall but i love to be called Kay for short. I have ASD I'm one foot over the line for autism and this is my story.

I was diagnosed when i was 14 years old, my family for 14 years thought i was just mis-behaving and being naughty when i just didn't understand, i still think to this day doc's should of done better cause then my 14 years would of bin better. I still don't no what i have for autism all i know i it's ASD thats it,
I'm 22 years old now and i struggle most days with it, get angry so easy and don't listen either.

When i was at secondary school i was badly bullied not just by the students but by the teachers as well, not taking there time to understand me and my needs and now cause of them i don't no my maths nor english very well, and my confidence is low and poor but getting there day by day cause of my fiancee.

I just want people out there who don't have kids and do have kids with this please i beg of you take your time and understand what he/she s going through, like i said i find it tough so hard to go through everyday with this.

I also have IBS a bowl syndrome which affects me even more than it should.

One last thing i have zero friends so please read and e-mail me people, i could do with someone.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Kay xxx

Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom