mi life with autism

im a 54year old wth autism al mi life ive struggled against the ods ov alwaes being told i cold never achiebne this or that -im savant in art an hav be drawing al mi life sinse an earli age -mi art communicates fore me when mi werds wont com out -autism is an everydae chalinges wth social an sensory yet creates beautiful inner worlds where art an musik ar expressed as a ways tu interact with the neurotypical world -autism dsnt hav tu limit u as a person it can be an advantage an gifts u with many abilitys ect dspite the negative thngs -i advocate an i spread awarenesness as its adli needed for al ov us with autism as its mi super power an im proud ov mi autism-society needs tu be inklusive of all people with autism an try tu acomodate our special needs as people-society needs tu giv autistik people a chance tu show rthe world that wth training we can liv on our own an be productive people an steriotypes that are negative about us has tu end

paonia, CO