Mothers always know ...

After i brought my son home i noticed odd things. He didnt cry much, if awake he would rather be infront of a tv than held .He was very slow at learning everything but his doctor assured me that boys are slower than girls. It was when he started to crawl ,stared at wheels, roll a ball back and forth, that got me worried but yet again, i was assured he was fine. He made eye contact, knew his name and it was easy to teach him no .He still wouldnt walk until almost 2 years old,started to line things up and constant flapping of his hands/rocking in his seat.. . .When he learned how to walk he started to jump everywhere, he would line boxes up on the counter, stare at them for hours to make sure they are exactly how he likes it.He started to yell and flap his hands , spinning around or hitting his head for no reason sometimes.. I went to his doctor and he gave me numbers to TEIS ..They got him into speech therapy right away and he started to make noises again with his mouth open! They recommended him to get tested for Autism . . 2 days ago he got tested . He is autistic.. Its only been a few months but he is already repeating things i say, following small commands!! I know that he has a long road ahead of him but ill be right beside him the whole way and now that we actually know why , he can get the right help that he needs.

Even my family was assuring me that nothing was wrong, telling me not to worry so much.I started to wonder if i was the crazy mother that overreacts over small things ! :) My advice is that if you are being told boys are just slow or you overreact and not to worry so much ... Mothers always know ,follow your gut feeling! remember that

Decherd, TN