my brother and me.

My name is kayleigh, I'm 13.
My brother is Daniel,he's 12.

I've grown up with daniel all my life, he is the only sibling i have. Daniel was born with autism, a condition not many understand. Due to Daniels condition he behaves very badly and cannot focus. Other children aren't always aware of his condition, so they judge him!
This is a poem i wrote about my brother;

People judge him,
People stare.
People wonder about him,

You may think he's different,
But he's just unique.
To be honest he's just like
You and me.

His name is Daniel,
He's 12 years old.
Daniel has autism,
Can't you tell?

So next time you say something,
Please think it through.
You may be surprised by my brother,
He surprised me too.

When Daniel was born we was told he wouldn't make it to his teenage years. Well guess what? This time next year my brother will be a teenager.
Daniel has taught me too look at the world from a different angle, I wouldn't change Daniel for the world.

London, United Kingdom