My daughter's struggles.

From the day I brought my infant daughter home, I knew that there was something wrong. She started to do sing-song behavior, mechanical speech, and she had no sense of hers or other peoples's personal space.Her pediatrician didn't have a clue. A psychiatrist diagnosed high-functioning autism and started her on Ritalin and Paxil.
I of course felt that it was somehow my fault. I had taken my daughter as well as her older brother to the county health dept for their immunizations. I've wondered if that caused it??

When she started school, I had to educate the teachers. Made a squeeze box for her to help with built up tension that she would hold in until she was in a safe place. A Psychiatrist diagnosed High-functioning Autism. Finally by High School, she had an IEP, got around 28 on her ACT's and is now a very independent, responsible, kind and loving wife, mother and daughter.

Overland Park, KS