My Leo

Leo was born at 35 weeks, weighing 4 pounds 9 ounces. Although he was tiny, he had no medical issues associated with his premature birth. In fact, everyone marveled at how alert he was for a newborn. Wide-eyed and already so curious about the world around him.
Leo was a happy and content baby-as long as he was being held. And while he met most of his milestones a little bit late, I wasn't concerned. He was born 5 weeks early after all, and I held him constantly, never pushing the issue of things like "tummy time" that seemed to upset him so.
At about 18 months, some of the language he had developed up to that point had disappeared. Autism was dismissed early on by Leo's Pediatrician due to his happy and affectionate nature. Instead she urged me to have his hearing tested and ears looked at by a specialist since he was prone to ear infections. Once a hearing deficit was ruled out Leo was referred to a speech pathologist for evaluation.
By that point I noticed Leo exhibiting certain atypical behaviors - such as his lack of imaginative play - preferring to line up his toys and create patterns with them, or his fixation with trashcans and anything with a lid. By age 3 these signs became more apparent to me, and even before his diagnosis on October 31, 2013, I knew my son had Autism.
He goes to Speech and Occupational Therapy 3 times a week and I am in the process of getting him enrolled in special education preschool. I see improvements each day and I am so proud of him and the progress he has made.
Leo touches so many lives with his sweet disposition and beautiful smile. He is such a happy little boy, and with my Leo, every day is a wonderful adventure. We will go through this journey together, him and I.
He is my angel...and I am so honored to be his Mom.

Ellie Fadden
Stafford, VA