My PDD-NOS Baby.

My youngest son has PDD-NOS and my oldest son has Asperger's. Life is interesting most days...
Hubby had 3 "perfect" daughters before blessed with our little man ( oldest from ex) so even 9yrs after diagnosis hubby still expects more than he can give. School is good, he's going into 4th grade. He is an extreme emotional child and a look will hurt his feelings to the point of tears. Some days are of course harder than others but I wouldn't trade either of them for a "perfect" child. Biggest problems are...eating anything healthy, he thinks if it's not pizza or chicken fingers that it must go away, arguing about every little thing and the emotional issues but we will continue to do the best we can. I pray for all of us in our daily struggles with our very special children. We were blessed with them for a reason.

Brooklet, GA