My son Danny's story

350 words huh? That is not enough to share the nightmare my son had to endure before he was even diagnosed with PDD-NOS. Through most of his child-hood and grade school he was labled a "Bad child" when we moved on into Jr. High his teachers, peers and princaple didn't understand him or how he was acting the doctors would not diagnose him. Daniel was arrested and put into detention struggled at home an school because he had no way else to explain his story other then through bad behaivor I cried an pleaded with anyone who would listen PLEASE TEST HIM THERE IS MORE TO HIS ISSUES...Finally after he was removed from my home an put in care they finally tested him, and he has signs of PDD-NOS which is autism spec. Now they kept this from me cause when your a single mom an the state has to pay for your care for your kid they have temp coustody when he came back home to me in Nov 2012 I didnt find out this diagnosis till his team meeting in Dec an everyone in the room was FLOORED, cause here we are trying to help him an make accomidations but no one knew this bit of info. Well after someone took the time to explain this to me an we worked on a plan to help Danny I am proud to say he is doing wonderful and went from an F student to an A student he is still reading at a 5th grade level an his is now almost 15 BUT....he has made so many wonderful strides and he is 100 miles from where he was a year ago. It really is amazing to see the smile on his face everyday cause he knows with the right help he can do it! He is on a modifide day can can't attend regular class rooms yet but just think how far he has come and the possibilites down the road for him are ENDLESS! People need to help raise awareness EVERYWHERE...especially in schools!!!!

Fargo, ND