My son, Pierre Leonidas Timothee, is 9 years old... born October 15th 2003... He is the light of my life, the angel in our home, the owner of my heart and soul... I have 3 children, Stephanie, 19 and Sophia 11, and my special boy, Pierre 9... He was born, perfect. A great pregnancy, and a healthy 10 Lb. 2 Ounce SON... finally, after 2 girls, my husband and I were overwhelmed with joy. At the age of 2, I began to notice a change in our son, as a mother, we have that "INSTINCT" and can tell when there is something that is just not right. My son developed "normally" up to the age of 2.. after he started getting his vaccinations, (2 or 3 of them at a time) I believe, he started to change... he would cover his ears, mumble, and walk on the tip of his toes??? I questioned this with his pediatrician, and I was told, ' IT IS JUST A PHASE, HE WILL OUTGROW IT".... Well, needless to say, as a mother, (a warrior) I went against the doctors ideas and sought help from a specialist, a neurologist to be exact. He ran a series of tests, and he told me what no mother wants to hear, but already knows, I remember the day the doctor said to me "YOUR SON HAS AUTISM". It changed everything at that very moment for me... I was in a state I had never been before.. just total awe.. and thought to myself, "what do I do next"??? But luckily, I was early enough to catch it in time, and my son since the age of 4 has been in special classrooms and receiving speech therapy since the age of 4... He does not speak well yet, but his language speaks milestones to us....I can't explain what a blessing he is to our family, this very special little boy, with this special disability, yet able to do and say and teach us so much... God is great... thank you for my boy, Pierre Leonidas Timothee.

Shirley A. Timothee
Orlando, FL