my wonderful son

I knew from the moment my son was born he was special. At 13 months he was diagnosed as learning disabled. He had early intervention to the son didn't talk,walk crawl and was what I thought to be a fussy baby. At 2yr old he went to just kids for2 yrs and then head start for 2yrs. His 1st grade teacher noticed there was a problem and suggested we get him tested. Thats when we met his wonderful Dr.she sat us down and explained how it was gonna work. She ordered all kinds of tests, had him seen by several specialist. When she had all the results in she sat us down with the news. My son has adhd,oppositional difient disorder,anxiety, learning disabilities. And was somewhere on the autistic spectrum. I looked at my son and lost it.what was gonna happen to my child.she took my hand and said he will be ok.there are meds, and therapys.wen I went home my reasearch sstarted. My son was placed in special ed classes in our school district. He did well,until he hit high school.unfortunately kids can be cruel ad there was an incident,not his fault,that caused alot of problems. That is when we had our answer, my son has pdd ,borderline asperger. More aspergers than pdd. I lost it. With help from his Dr and school councilor he graduated high school,even did a semester in collage. That to came to an end by false accusations. He is now 20,and so smart. He is taking online classes to be a video game designer. This has shown me the true test of the human spirit. All his life I fought for him to get the services he needed. My son is my greatest accomplishment. I would not trade any of te hard times,outbursts, emotional or physical. Challenges. I have to other children who do not have autism and they love their brother dearly.

Charleston, SC