Never give up the fight ...

Today I told someone I knew that I did not respect them nor their mother. This person is a grown man and his mother is in her 50's. He has a brother that is 20 years old who has autism. His mother never really worked with this boy and never fought for him either. This man has half heartily work with his brother on and off - but never with any consistency! And this man told me he has given up all hope on his brother and has told his mother that when this boy dies he will end up in a home!

I was completely floored by this and very angry!

See I have a daughter who is 6 years old and she has autism. She is a gorgeous little girl with a great sense of humor! I work with her every day and have moved her to a better school that wants to see her succeed! In the past 2 years, she has come from being nonverbal to speaking small sentences and asking for things. She is counting to 30 and practicing writing with help! She is dressing her self and showing a choice in clothes and toys with interest! She is fully potty trained and continues to make great progress everyday!

This is BECAUSE I and those closest to her want her to succeed! We fight for her everyday, we are dedicated to her!

Because if you do not fight to see your child improve then chances are no one else will!!!!

new egypt, NJ