Tell Victoria's Secret To Reconsider Bras For Survivors
59,735 signatures toward our 65,000 Goal
Sponsor: The Breast Cancer Site
Breast cancer survivors deserve beautiful, well-fitting bras too! Take action!

The trauma of battling breast cancer, undergoing a mastectomy, and using prosthetics is difficult for any woman. After the treatment is completed, many survivors, especially those who require prosthetic breasts, suffer from body image issues1.
Inspired by her mother's story of survival against breast cancer and her struggle to find bras that fit, Allana Maiden decided to petition Victoria's Secret, asking them to consider making 'Survivor' bras2.
Allana was told by Victoria's Secret that they felt that the creation, fitting, and sale of these bras would be too complicated3. But Victoria's Secret engineers fashion multi-million-dollar bras for their runway shows, complete with lovely and improbable angel wings4. Surely a fraction of that time and energy would be well-spent appealing to a new demographic of women who want to look and feel beautiful.
As the largest American retailer of lingerie, Victoria's Secret is in a unique position to make beautiful, well-fitting, and affordable post-mastectomy bras easily accessible to survivors of breast cancer.
Women who don't want breast reconstruction after surgery deserve options that help them feel confident and look how they want, just as are available to everyone else.
Sign the petition asking Victoria's Secret to reconsider their decision not to create bras for breast cancer survivors.
- ABC News (31 January 2013), "Victoria's Secret in Talks With Mom-Daughter on 'Survivor Bra'."
- "Body Image of Women with Breast Cancer After Mastectomy: A Qualitative Research."
- Business Standard (21 May 2013), "Victoria's Secret rejects plea for breast cancer survivor bras."
- Vogue (8 November 2018), "The 39 most extravagant Victoria's Secret Angel wings ever."
The Petition:
Dear Victoria's Secret CEO,
I cannot begin to describe my disappointment when I discovered Victoria's Secret has decided not to create bras tailored to the needs of breast cancer survivors. I am appalled that you would claim that the issue of providing beautiful, well-fitting, and affordable post-mastectomy bras is too difficult a challenge for your company when you are able to engineer multi-million-dollar bras for your runway shows, complete with lovely and improbable angel wings.
Simply donating to fund cancer research is not enough. Women who have won the fight against cancer are left to grapple with their altered body image and struggle to find bras that are designed specifically to their needs.
As the largest American retailer of lingerie, Victoria's Secret is in a unique position to make bras easily accessible to the survivor community.
Do the right thing. Reconsider your decision not to produce a 'Survivor' line of bras.