Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

Our Miricle Child

My grandson Michael, Diagnosed at 3 years old with ASD was placed in a severely handicapped pre school class. He had communication skills, no interest in others or toys his only interest Dora. After receiving 30 hours of intensive behavior therapy in the home as well as 16 hours at school. He will now talk your ear off. He is in kindergarten and receiving perfect scores. his interests include reading, writing, drawing, and music.At 6 yrs old he has already beat the odds.

Rovilla Martin
Taft, CA

Our Little Miracle Boy

Michael, diagnosed at 3 is placed in severly handicapped class, has no speach, no intrerest in others or toys. T.V. is only interrest. After receiving 30 hrs a week at home of Theropy has entered Kindergarden regular Ed. He will talk your ear off. He reads, writes, and loves drawing and music.

Robin Martin
Taft, CA

my little eye opener

When I was told that i was going to be an aunt I was so happy. My sister had her soon at a very young age, but we all still supported her. When my nephew turned 1 she was pregnant again but she was scared because my nephew hadn't started talking as most children would at his age. My nephew was 3, still not talking. I tried to cheer her up by saying "you know Albert Einstine didn't talk till he was 3" but that didn't solve what was down the road. I was very attatched to my nephew he was my world when his younger brother was talking more than he was thats when it hit us. My sister called me crying, she said that my nephew was told he had autism. My heart hurt because I could only imagine what my sister would go through. He got the classes he needed and he was getting so much better at talking. He can spell and learned to read (very well at that) and yet the thing i feared most happened. My nephew was headed in for his 1st day of second grade, but he came home crying saying that kids called him a dummy and that he was in a stupid kid class. So heated up I asked for those kids names, but my sweet nephew told me "no because they don't understand so we can't be mad" That hurt me so much but he was right. We can't be mad at the people who don't understand because they don't. And its there problem that they don't. I love my nephew more than anything in the world and I will make sure that his love for others goes around

Somerton, AZ

Son age 40 now ...AUTISM was rarely diagnosed 40 years ago!

Our son would definitely be diagnosed with Autism or Aspergers if he were a child today. He didn't talk til age 4 and didn't potty train til then too. He was very bright and learned many defense mechanisms and could fool many . I always knew something wasn't quite right. Despite my trying to get him help in school...I was told he had a high IQ so therefore nothing was wrong with him. He was mainstreamed and had many problems in school. I sent him to a private HS and that helped him because of the small classes. He seems to be delayed in most things...even getting a driver's license and general things ..he had about a 10 year delay.
HOWEVER, because I was a tough MOM and wouldn't accept Dr's telling me he should be institutionalized and I fought for him to be put in gifted classes in elementary school ( seeing that is all they would say was his problem )...he excelled. He had a paper route as a 12 year old and worked at Burger King when 16. He saved his money and learned the value of a dollar. He is 40 now and lives on his own and has a wonderful job managing a furniture store. There were lots of bumps in the road to get him to here...and he still isnt married...but has been engaged and is again dating.
I am so glad I didnt listen to the advice the PROFESSIONALS tried to tell me way back then. I am so proud of his accomplishments....he even has published a book 10 years ago on gaming of his hobbies when younger . Grandson diagnosed now and is getting so much help. I am happy I fought to get laws passed !

Mesa, AZ

My Younger Older Sister

Emma was 2 1/2 years old when I was born, but as the years past, I grew up and she didn't. I never knew until this year that she was autistic. I always realized that there was something different about her but I was never told what it was. Emma was adopted into the family before I was ever around. As the years past, more things were discovered. She was born with epilepsy, asthma, ADD, and the list went on. With all of this though, came multiple blessings. Emma always smiles and helps me to look at the positive things in life. Autism has brought my family much more joy than pain and I know that God knew what he was doing when He brought Emma into my life.

Madison, WI

All things are possible!!

All things are possible!!

I want to say that my son, who is now 25, wants to inspire others like him. We had a long hard road but we never gave up. He was in Special Ed prescool and stayed in SE until high school. Autism was rarely diagnosed and frequently misunderstood. When he was 2 some doctors at the SC Medical University told me that he was autistic and that I should commit him to an institution because he would never do these things: dress himself, feed himself, go to public schools, drive a car or have any kind of life!! I was outraged and determined from that day on to prove they were wrong. He had plenty of behavior problems and the only thing they would do was lock him up in psychiatric facilities. Things settled down around 14. He graduated high school with all the neccesary credits - he did NOT want a "gimme diploma" (that he felt he did not earn). He struggled with jobs as an adult but he did earn his license as a Nail Technician and likes what he does. He also recently got another job stocking shelves. He pushes himself out of his comfort zone in order to grow. When he goes to the salon he tells himself he is an actor in a play and the salon is his stage (so he can cope). He doesn't have a lot of friends but the ones he has are meaningful. He has dated. He drives a car. And yes, he feeds and dresses himselft! He has never met any other autistic individuals.The one thing he always believes: "All things are possible!!".

Dewey, AZ

One Day I will help people with Autism to change their Life,

Hello My name is Marcos! Soon I will be 7 years old, I am a younger brother who love to laugh and play computer!!!
I was born full term and started developing at normal age, talking, running, playing with my brother and more. Suddenly when I was about 18 month, my world changed, my mind, and I stop making eye contact, talking and doing everything that I have learned to do before.
My parents took me to the Developmental Pediatrician and I was diagnosed with Autism. By that time, I start on Early Intervention and now I am in ABA Classroom. I don't like the transition, the new places, I can only talk what ever I want even if I know the correct word is in my brain.
I pray and I heard my mom and my brother every night asking the Lord for a Miracle, I know that day soon will come. and I will help other people understand what is in my mind, why this world is different in my head. But I know Jesus is in control of my life and one day at the time, I believe.

Teaneck, NJ

Mikey's Story, From Clumsy to All American

Mikey's Story, From Clumsy to All American

At 13 months old, our son, Mikey, was constantly getting injured by running into walls, falling face first, hurling his body off furniture. He was extremely hyperactive. The nurses at the Emergency Room knew our name. We knew something was wrong, but every doctor said, "He's fine, stop worrying". I tried to get the county to send a PT to make a helmet for him, and instead they sent a team of professionals, OT, PT, Speech, Spec Ed. They couldn't officially diagnose him yet, but they knew that he had significant delays in all those areas. Services in our home started immediately. At eighteen months he started 'school' at Development Disabilities Institute and at two was diagnosed with Autism. Progress was slow but steady, and eventually he went to our home school with his typical peers, but of course he was not doing nearly the same work. At seven he started running track and cross country with a handicapped running club called Rolling Thunder. After two years we found that remarkably his academics and socialization improved more in that short time than in his entire school career combined. The running affected his ability to learn! He is now 14 years old, a freshman in high school, running Varsity track and cross country (for the second year, yes he ran Varsity for the high school when he was in Middle School). He is rated number one 5K HS runner in the county. He came in 6th in the US Junior Olympics this year, and 8th last year. He is a two time All American. And he is in completely typical, age appropriate classes, doing the same work as the other ninth graders. He will take the Regents next year, and of course get a running scholarship to any college he wants!

Edith Brannigan
East Northport, NY

Never give up the fight ...

Today I told someone I knew that I did not respect them nor their mother. This person is a grown man and his mother is in her 50's. He has a brother that is 20 years old who has autism. His mother never really worked with this boy and never fought for him either. This man has half heartily work with his brother on and off - but never with any consistency! And this man told me he has given up all hope on his brother and has told his mother that when this boy dies he will end up in a home!

I was completely floored by this and very angry!

See I have a daughter who is 6 years old and she has autism. She is a gorgeous little girl with a great sense of humor! I work with her every day and have moved her to a better school that wants to see her succeed! In the past 2 years, she has come from being nonverbal to speaking small sentences and asking for things. She is counting to 30 and practicing writing with help! She is dressing her self and showing a choice in clothes and toys with interest! She is fully potty trained and continues to make great progress everyday!

This is BECAUSE I and those closest to her want her to succeed! We fight for her everyday, we are dedicated to her!

Because if you do not fight to see your child improve then chances are no one else will!!!!

new egypt, NJ

My son's story

My son always was a "different" kid. Even when he was very little I knew there was something different about him. He was generally happy but he didnt adjust well to change and barely ever slept and when I went back to work when he was 3 years old he screamed all day at the babysitters even though she was very good to him. When he was in grade four his father and I ended up separating and this only worsened his problems..The next year he began acting out so severely that I couldnt control him anymore and he went to live with his father. He seemed to do ok at first but then the problems arose. I got him into a treatment facilty where he stayed for a few weeks and in that time they finally diagnosed him as being on the autism spectrum. When he returned home he did ok for a couple of months and then began once more acting out at home and school and having alot of problems and was very antisocial with family and friends. We got him into another program where he went into a treatment home for 6 months as well as a special school where they taught him social skills and how to get along with others and also started on new medication..His father and i spent time with him every weekend and he began to transform into a completely different person..He learned how to express his feelings and develop friendships and show love and emotions to family,he was a different boy..Now in grade 8 and 13 yrs old he's a whiz on the computer and doing well at elementary school. He recently joined Air cadets and I am so proud of the person he has become.. never give up hope!

Whitby, Canada